BD10 Syntax

Use case

  • Write-intensive: highly normalized: avoid update anomalies!
  • Read-intensive: highly denormalized: avoid joins!

Denormalizing road

  • relational database: homogeneous collection of flat items
  • document store(semi-structured): heterogeneous collection of arborescent items.


One syntax defines a language. If a sentence is well-formed, it belongs to this language. Otherwise, it doesn’t.



  • element, defined by <element-name>...</element-name> or <element-name/>
  • attribute:
    • only within the brackets, defined like <a attr="value"/>.
    • And only attributes can appear inside opening element tag.
    • two attributes cannot have the same name within a single element.
  • text: only between the element tags, e.g. <a>this is text</a>. cannot appear outside of elements.
  • comment: <!-- This is a comment -->
  • processing instructoin: defined by <? ...?>,e.g.<?xml vesion="1.0"?>
  • CDATA sections: appeared like the text, the format is <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
  • Document Type: <!DOCTYPE document[(internal subset)]>
  • (Internal) Entity declarations: <!ENTITY name "value">, using &name; to get the value.
  • External parsed entities: conditions are relaxed ???: text at top level, multiple elements.. Defined method: <!ENTITY name SYSTEM "path">
  • ???External unparsed entities: allows an entity to appear as the attribute’s value??

Entity References

Five: &lt;: <, &gt;: >, &apos;: ‘, &quot;: “, &amp;: &,

Character References

two formats: hex, beginning with &#x and dec, beginning with $#


XML valid name

  • a-z,A-Z, :, _ are allowed anywhere in a name
  • 0-9, -, . are allowed but not at start.
  • other ASCII characters are not allowed in XML names.


whitespace matters!
space: #x20;; tabs: #x9;; carriage return: #xD;; newlines: #xA;
Carriage return is automatically replaced with newline before parsing.

if in an element declaring that <item xml:space="preserve">: the space before its sub-elements will not be ignored. By default, such whitespaces are ignored.


  • prefix: anything, can be omitted.
  • local name
  • namespace, scope: this and within this element
    using xmlns:prefix-name:namespace to define a prefix, and by prefix:local-name to use QName.
    If the prefix is omitted, it will define a default namespace for this element (and its sub-elements).

If no namespace is defined, all the elements are in no namespace. That means there is no default namespace without definition.

Unprefixed attributes are in no namespace even if there is a default namespace in scope.

Best practice

  • put all namespace bindings in root element
  • Try to keep the same bindings across all documents whenever possible!
  • use parsimoniously



  • string
  • number
  • null: Null is invalid.
  • boolean: true, false
  • array
  • object



XHTML, YAML (the “Python of JSON”), CSV(comma separated values)

Further Reading

XML in a Nutshell Chapter 1, 2, 4, 9

Thanks Alessandro Stolfo for reading notes

Author: Fululu
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Fululu !