BD11 Data Model

Type System

edge vs node labeling: labels are on the edges(JSON)/nodes (XML)

Shared properties

  • distinction between atomic types and structured types
  • same categories of atomic types
  • lists and maps as structured types
  • sequence type cardinalities: *(zero or more, repeated),?(zero or one, optional),+(one or more)

    Atomic types

  • string
  • number
    • arbitrary precision decimales and integers
    • signed and unsigned integer types
    • IEEE 754 standard: float: 32bits, ca 7digits, 10^-37 to 10^37; double: 64bits, ca 15digits, 10^-307 to 10^308
  • booleans
  • dates and times
    • dates: year+month+day
    • times: hours+minutes+seconds
    • timestamp: date+time
  • Time interval
  • binaries
  • null

    Structured types

  • associative arrays( maps) : JSON object, set of XML attributes
  • ordered lists: JSON array, XML element


pipeline: document->well-formedness->validation

PSVI: post-schema-validation infoset: infoset + types

DTD validation

Element type declaration

  • empty content: <!ELEMENT name EMPTY>
  • simple content: only includes text, using #PCDATA, <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
  • complex content: meaning including other elements: <!ELEMENT name (sub1/+/*/?,sub2, ...)>, the more advanced:<!ELEMENT name (bar*|(foo|foobar)+)? >
  • mixed content: includes both other elements and text, e.g. <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA|foo)*>, or can also use ANY <!ELEMENT name ANY>

    Attribute-List Declaration

    Format: <!ATTLIST ele-name attr-name ATTR-FORMAT CARDINALITY>
  • attribute format: CDATA, NMTOKEN(s), ID(REFS)
  • cardinality:
    • #REQUIRED: must have
    • #IMPLIED: can have
    • “string”: the value of the attribute, can be omitted.
    • #FIXED “string”: must written out, cannot be omitted.

XML Schema

Two files: .xsd: the schema defined file and .xml: the instance file

  • .xsd: the definition of an element: <xs:element name="ele-name", type="xs:string/xs:integer/user-defined type..."/>
  • .xml: within the defined element: using <ele-name xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:schema-location="schema-name.xsd">

Element types

Simply types: built-in

  • strings: string, anyURI, QName;
  • numbers: decimal, float, double, integer, …;
  • booleans: boolean
  • dates and times: dateTime, time, date, gYearMonth, gMonthDay, gYear, gMonth, gDay, dateTimeStamp
  • time intervals: duration, yearMonthDuration, dayTimeDuration
  • Binaries: hexBinary, base64Binary
  • NUll

    User-defined types

    Simple types

  • restriction: <xs:restriction base="built-in type"> <xs:length value="3">...</xs:restriction>
  • list: <xs:list itemType="xs:string"/>, instance: <foo>foo bar foobar</foo>
  • union: <xs:union memberTypes="xs:integer xs:boolean"/>, instance: <foo>true<foo>

    Complex types

  • empty: <xs:complexType name="emptyType">
  • simple content ??? what is different with the simple type?:
  • complex content: can include sub-elements
  • mixed conent: can include both text and sub-elements. <xs:complexType, name="..." mixed="true">


    XML allows you to make an attribute as a key of the element. the definition is
    <xs:element ...>....<xs:key name="key-name"> <xs:selector xpath="the-aim-element"/><xs:field xpath="@the-key-attribute"/></xs:key></xs:element>

How to use? 1. simple type of attributes; 2. named types; 3. anonymous types: defined where to use, without being named.

Schema Location

without namespace

in the instance file: <xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="schema.xsd">. Correspondingly, in the schema file, there is no definition on the namespace.

With namespace

in the instance file: <xsi:SchemaLocation="namespace/schema.xsd">.
In the schema file, <xs:schema xmlns:xs="..." targetNamespace="namespace" ...>

Import Schema

in the .xsd file, we can use types defined in other schema files, by using <xs:import namespace="other-schema-namespace" schemaLocation="other-schema-name.xsd"/>. To import, we use ref, in the sentence: <xs:element ref="prefix:defined-type" ...>

Other technologies

Avro: It is a language that allows you to define schema, an apache language.

  1. read the language-independent schema
  2. compilation the schema and put it in somewhere of the code
  3. read in the data according to the schema.

XDM: XPath and XQuery Data Model, JDM: JSONiq Data Model

XDM: seven kinds of XML Nodes: Document Node, Element node, Attribute node, Text Node, Comment node, Processing instruction node, namespace node.


PSVI: post-schema-validation infoset
DTD: document type declaration
XDM: XPath and XQuery Data Model
JDM: JSONiq Data Model

Further Reading

XML in a Nutshell Chapter 3, 17

Thanks Ruben and Christina for reading notes

Author: Fululu
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Fululu !