

  • Resource Management (RM)
  • Scheduling: like ten tasks per machine, who is in charge of reducing (RM)
  • Monitoring (NM)
  • Job lifecycle: if sth goes wrong/failure, it is to restart.
  • Fault-tolerance (AM): it must ensure that the job still goes well, if sth is wrong.


  1. Scalability: the typical version 1 mapreduce can have up to 4,000 nodes, and up tp 40,000 tasks.
  2. Bottleneck: only one JobTracker
  3. Jack of all trades: (the JobTracker is too busy) for scheduling, monitoring and so on.
  4. Utilization: the task slots are set before the job starts. They all have the same size, static, fixed-size.
  5. Not fungible: the number of maps and reduces should be decided before the job starts. You may underestimate or overestimate.

YARN version 2

yet another resource negotiator

  • Resource Manager: scheduling, application management
  • Application Master: monitoring

Different from Version 1:

  • separation between scheduling and monitoring
  • scalability
  • availability
  • multi-tenancy

Number: 10,000 nodes, compared to 4,000 nodes in version 1; 100,000 tasks, compared to 40,000 tasks in version 1.


ResourceManager(Master ) -> NodeManager (Slave), including many container.

the process of architecture

  1. client -> ResoureManager: a job request
  2. RM -> one of NMs: the schedules and allocates an Application Master from containers.
  3. AM -> RM: resources needed.
  4. RM -> AM: allocated resources.
  5. AM -> Containers: start tasks, execute monitor

Resource Manager

responsibilities: cluster utilization, capacity guarantees, fairness, SLAs
Pure scheduler, not monitor tasks, not restart upon failure, AM restarts that.

Communication with …

  • clients: client service, admin service: only for administrator.
  • NMs: resource Tracker(how many? where?), liveliness, maintain the nodes list, (NM valid/invalid?)
  • AMs (application masters): application master service(registration, container requests), liveliness, maintain the AM lists and waiting list of applications. There are several AMs at the same time.

Authentication: using Token

Scheduling strategies: pluggable scheduler

  • FIFO
  • capacity, the capacities of queues are given before.
  • Fair scheduler: steady fair share, instantaneous fair share.
    How to compute allocations across multiple resources?
  • Dominant Resource Fairness: compute the dominant ratio of resource for each applications, and use this ratio as the reference to compute the final resource ratios.

Common resoures

memory (X GB), CPU (Y TB), disk ( W cores, U GHz), network (Z MBps)

Node Manager

one per node.
Responsibilities: monitoring and report to RM. It packs resources to containers inside it.

Application Master

One per application
Responsibilities: fault tolerance

AM-> RM: negotiates resources
AM-> NM: executes and monitors: monitors the containers and relaunch the failure ones.



Author: Fululu
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