It is for full-DAG query processing. Its first-class citizen: RDD.
8 nodes, 16 cores per node and 128 GB of memory per node.
HDFS, S3 …creation ->RDD, RDD -Transformation->RDD, RDD -action->on screen
- lineage graph
- lazy evaluation: each action triggers an evaluation
- on single RDD: filter, map, flatMap, distinct, sample (fraction+seed)
- on two or more RDDs: union, intersection, subtract, cartesian product
- on key-value pair RDDs: reduce by key, group by key, map values, keys, values, join, subtract by key
- collect, count, count by value, take, top, take ordered, take sample, reduce, fold, aggregate, for each
- on pair RDDs: count by key, lookup
Physical layer
parallel execution, optimization: avoid expensive network communication, stage.
it is a sequence of parallelizable tasks performed on a single machine.
- narrow dependency: stays on the same machine.
- wide dependency: cannot have a single stage, need to shuffle around. Need the network.
General DAG
partition the DAG into sub-graphs, which can be computed without the network communication.
Performance tuning
- persisting RDDs
- avoiding a wide dependency: pre-partition according to the keys.
easy to do mutual transformation between RDD and DataFrame.
DAG: directed acyclic graphs
RDD: resilient distributed dataset