BD9 Performance at large scale



  • mili: $m$, 0.001,3,
  • micro: $\mu$, 0.000 001, 6,
  • nano: $n$, 9,
  • pico: $p$, 12,
  • femto: $f$, 15,
  • atto: $a$, 18,
  • zepto: $z$, 21,
  • yocto: $y$, 24


  • Amdahl’s law: SpeedUp= $\frac{1}{1-p+p/s}$. Constant problem size.
  • Gustafson’s law: SpeedUp=$1-p+sp$. Constant computing power.


  • scale out
  • scale up: memory, disk, CPU, network … an easy but last resort
  • code:
    • look for large loops
    • avoid exception catching
    • avoid polymorphism
    • avoid virtual function
    • go low level if needed
  • size of chunks: make the size smaller for liquidity, but not too much for latency issues.
  • storage format: syntax VS binary format
  • network usage:
    • keep shuffling to a minimum
    • push down projection and selection as close as possible to the source.
  • architecture

Tail latency


sharing resources, queues, garbage collection, energy management…


  • keep the low-level queues short
  • break splits and queries further down
  • manage background activities
  • latency-induced probation: we shut down a machine that is too slow.
  • completely drop the last 0.01% that takes too long…
  • other measures

    Hedge requests

    basic idea: duplicate

task duplicates, first done wins.

Deferred hedge request

when 95% percentile reached, launch duplicate tasks.

Tied request

basic idea cancel request. A task is duplicated and waiting in several queues. Cancel other requests when one of them starts.

Further Reading

Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark

Author: Fululu
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