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CIL5 Data Clustering CIL5 Data Clustering
Vector Quantizationassign vectors to some groups, denoted by the centroids. Methods: K-means, Mixture Model. K-Means $k$
CN3 Ensemble perspective CN3 Ensemble perspective
Aims: graph theory: micro-/macro perspective ensemble perspective random graph models empirical examples Questions For
CN2 Network Essentials CN2 Network Essentials
Basic Knowledge of networkQuestions Define the average shortest path length of a network the sum of the shortest path be
CIL4 Word Embeddings CIL4 Word Embeddings
MotivationUsing vector as the symbol to represent words, which can capture their meaning in some way. the advantage of
CIL3 Topic Model CIL3 Topic Model
Are the topics given ahead, fixed? Means we already have a set of available topics. Yes. Also, in pLSA, all the words a
CN1 Introduction to Complex Network CN1 Introduction to Complex Network
MotivationObjectives network perspective on complex systems examples for complex networks Questions what does the com
CIL2 Matrix Completion CIL2 Matrix Completion
There are two direction of consideration to complete the matrix with many missing values: statistical models: infer mis
CIL1 Linear Autoencoder CIL1 Linear Autoencoder
Pre-Questions What? The framework of linear matrix low rank construction Problem? To approximate a matrix with low-rank
BD15 Data Warehousing BD15 Data Warehousing
The road to analytics OLTP: consistent and reliable record-keeping. look at detailed individual records (small part of
BD14 Graph Database BD14 Graph Database
Graph Databases don’t like shards. Issues if using RDMS: the joins are really expensive, not efficient for relations. We
BD13 Document Stores BD13 Document Stores
Document stores don’t like joins. How can we rebuild the stack with XML/JSON? forced the trees into a table. (Schema-ba
BD10 Syntax BD10 Syntax
Use case Write-intensive: highly normalized: avoid update anomalies! Read-intensive: highly denormalized: avoid joins!
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