There are two direction of consideration to complete the matrix with many missing values:
- statistical models: infer missing entries from observed ones, with k<<m*n parameters
- low rank decomposition: find best approximation with low rank r. Parameter numbers: mr+nr=(m+n)r.
The key problem of this slide is:
\min_{rank(B)=k}[\sum_{(i,j)\in I}(a_{ij}-b_{ij})^2], I = {(i,j): \text{observed}}
A non-convex problem can be non-convex on two parts: domain or objective.
Finding the best approximation matrix $B$ with the rank k is not a convex problem:
- the objective: minimize the frobenius norm is convex
- the searching space: matrix with rank k is not convex. The sum of two matrices with the same rank may have different rank.
Why we don’t like non-convex problem?
- because non-convex problem usually has higher variance, or leads to local minima, not the global one, depending on the input data.
Remark on SVD
- Is SVD the optimal solution of the low-rank approximation even it is a non-convex problem?
- An answer from mathoverflow: The classical case is the singular value decomposition (SVD) which is non-convex but yet solvable. This is because only the top eigenvector is the global and local optimum and all the other eigenvectors are saddle points (assuming eigen gap).
- Why SVD is not enough?
- Because we have a large amount of unobserved entries! In another way, we want to find a matrix $B$ according to the matrix $A$, but $A$ is not good enough.
Alternating method
This is a general method for non-convex problem with something convex.
- for fixed $U$, $f$ is convex in $V$
- for fixed $V$, $f$ is convex in $U$
- $U:=\arg\min_U f(U,V)$
- $u_i=(\sum_{j:(i,j)\in I}v_jv_j^\top+\lambda I_k)^{-1}\sum_{j:(i,j)\in I}a_{ij}v_j$
- $V:=\arg\min_V f(U,V)$
- $v_j = (\sum_{i:(i,j)\in I} u_i u_i^\top+\lambda I_k)^{-1}\sum_{i:(i,j)\in I} a_{ij} u_i$
- repeat until convergence.
Applied in CF problem:
- given low-dimensional representations for items/users: compute for each user/item independently the best representation
- we learn low-dimensional representations of users and items in the same space: R^K.
Frobenius Norm Regularization
- Why do we regularize the norm?
- to penalize the matrices. Preventing entries of $u_i, v_j$ from becoming too large.
- What is the consideration/advantage to do this?
- doing this is not for solving the non-convex problem but making the predicted result more general. Reducing overfitting.
- what is the disadvantage of doing this?
- the objective is no longer convex.
- alternating least squares can be used.
Convex Relaxation
Nuclear Norm
what is the definition of nuclear norm?
- $|A|_* = \sum_i\sigma_i$, $\sigma_i$ is the singular value of $A$.
what is the property of nuclear norm?
- compared to Frobenius norm: if we define $\sigma(A)=(\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\cdots,\sigma_n)$
|A|_* =\text{trace}(\sqrt{A^*A})=|\sigma(A)|_1
|A|_F = \text{trace}(A^*A)=|\sigma(A)|_2
compared to rank, it provides the tightest lower convex bound of the rank: $\text{trace}(B)\geq |B|_*, \forall |B|_2\leq 1$
|A|_2 =\sigma_\max (A)=\sigma_1
Therefore, if $|A|_2\leq 1$ then $\sigma_i\leq 1,\forall i$ . Thus
\text{rank}(A)=\sharp{\sigma_i > 0}=\sum_{i:\sigma_i >0} 1\geq \sum_{i:\sigma_i >0}\sigma_i = \sum_{i}\sigma_i = |A|_*
- does the condition mean we need to standardize $B$ s.t. the 2-norm less than 1.
- convexity. Proof
Recall, define $f: X\to \mathbb{R}$ is convex if $\forall x, y\in X$
f(\lambda x + (1-\lambda) y)\leq \lambda f(x) + (1-\lambda) f(y), \forall \lambda \in [0,1]
We want to show $\forall \lambda \in [0,1], \forall A,B\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$
|\lambda A + (1-\lambda) B|_* \leq \lambda |A |_\ast + (1-\lambda) |B|_\ast
Write SVD decomposition of left side: $\lambda A + (1-\lambda )B=U_\lambda D_\lambda V_\lambda ^\top$
|\lambda A + (1-\lambda) B|_\ast = \text{trace}(D_\lambda) =\text{trace}[(U_\lambda^\top U_\lambda)D_\lambda (V_\lambda^\top V_\lambda)]\
=\text{trace}[U_\lambda^\top (U_\lambda D_\lambda V_\lambda^\top) V_\lambda] =\text{trace}[U_\lambda^\top (\lambda A + (1-\lambda)B) V_\lambda] \
=\lambda \text{trace}(U_\lambda^\top A V_\lambda ) + (1-\lambda )\text{trace}(U_\lambda^\top B V_\lambda)
Thus $|\lambda A + (1-\lambda) B|_\ast =\lambda \text{trace}(U_\lambda^\top A V_\lambda) + (1-\lambda)\text{trace}(U_\lambda^\top B V_\lambda) $
Write SVD decomposition of $A, A=U_AD_AV_A^\top$. Thus,
\text{trace}(U_\lambda^\top AV_\lambda) &=\sum_{i=1}^{\min(m,n)}[U_\lambda^\top A V_\lambda]i^i = \sum{i=1}^{\min(m,n)}[U_\lambda^\top U_A D_A V_A^\top V_\lambda]i^i\
& = \sum{i=1}^{\min(m,n)}\sum_{j=1}^{\min(m,n)}[U_\lambda^\top U_A]j^i\sigma_j(A) [V_A^\top V_\lambda]i^j\
& = \sum{j=1}^{\min(m,n)}\sigma_j(A)\sum{i=1}^{\min(m,n)}[U_\lambda^\top U_A]_j^i[V_A^\top V_\lambda]i^j \
& \leq \sum{j=1}^{\min(m,n)}\sigma_j(A)|[U_\lambda^\top U_A]_j|2|[V_A^\top V_\lambda]^j|2 \text{ (Cauchy-Schwartz)} \
& = \sum{j=1}^{\min(m,n)}\sigma_j(A)=|A|* \text{ (Frobenius norm invariant to rotation)}
what is the purpose of using nuclear norm here?
- to relax the rank constraint from a non-convex space to a convex space.
what benefit does nuclear norm bring to us?
we can reconstruct the original non-convex problem. In fact, there are several ways to reconstruct the problem:
- Exact reconstruction by virtue of Boolean matrix $G$:
\min_B|B|_*, s.t. |A-B|_G=0
- Approximate reconstruction. Directly relaxing the rank constraint, it enlarges the possible solution space
\min_B|A-B|_G, s.t. |B|_\ast\leq r
- Lagrange Formulation
\min_B[\frac{1}{2\tau}|A-B|_G^2 + |B|_\ast]
SVD Shrinkage Iterations
B_{t+1} = B_t+\eta_t\Pi(A-\text{shrink}_\tau(B_t))
what is the basic idea of this method?
- It wants to
- find a matrix with low Frobenius norm and nuclear norm $B^*=\arg\min_B[\frac{1}{2\tau}|B|_F^2+|B|_\ast]$
- while keeping the observed ones being the same. Keep attention to that $s.t. \Pi(A-B)=0$
- include a shrinkage operator
- It wants to
B^\ast = \text{shrink}_\tau(A):=\arg\min_B{\frac{1}{2}|A-B|_F^2+\tau|B|_\ast}
The solution is $B^*=UD_\tau V^\top, D_\tau=\text{diag}(\max{0,\sigma_i-\tau})$
This substracts a little from the big singular values and make the small ones as 0.iteratively update the $B$.
get the limitation of the shrinkage of $B_t$, which is $B^*$ we want.
where is this method better than others?
- it constraints the combination of the two norms: Frobenius norm and nuclear norm.
how to guarantee the sparsity?
- using the projection. Because the first $B_1$ only has entries on the observed locations, and each time we add a new matrix projected by the Pi, so all the $B$ matrices are sparse and only have entries on the observed locations.
Exact Matrix Recovery
This method is more statistical.
\min_X\text{rank}(X), s.t. |A-B|_I = 0
The rank function is not convex, also the constraint is very stringent. Therefore, it is a difficult problem.
using nuclear norm to replace the rank as objective,
- which is not only convex,
- but the largest convex function less than rank (the best)
How many entries do we need to guess others? Certain number of known entries reveal the probability of get the right ideal of the whole matrix. The number is almost linear to $n$, assuming $m$ is closed to $n$.