CIL4 Word Embeddings


Using vector as the symbol to represent words, which can capture their meaning in some way.

  • the advantage of vector representation?
  • maybe capture the meaning closeness of words. e.g. similar words have similar vectors.
  • how do we know if the embedding is good?
    • usually, we use the prediction ability to evaluate the goodness.

    • skip-ram model (distributional context model): a model of prediction. Given a context word, learn the probability distribution of all the vocabularies. Our objective is to maximize:
      L(\theta;w) = \sum_{t=1}^T \sum_{\Delta\in I}\log p_\theta(w^{t+\Delta}|w^{(t)})
      the context is a point, the predicted words are a window.

    • CBOW (continuous bag-of-word model): Contrary to the skip-ram model, given the context words, learn the probability of this word. The context is a window, the predicted word is a point.


Latent Vector Model

w\mapsto (\vec{x_w},b_w)\in\mathbb{R}^{d+1}

represent a word by a vector and a scalar bias.

  • what is the function of bias?
    • to make sure that some words are more likely than other words under all conditioning. Reflected by the definition of probabilistic:
      \log p_\theta(w|w’)=<x_w, x_{w’}> + b_w+\text{const}(w’)

      • the const is to guarantee the sum conditioned on $w’$ is 1.
    • it is not necessary but very helpful to have the bias item.

    Inner product is a natural way to evaluate the similarity of vectors


    L(\theta;w)=\sum_{t=1}^T \sum_{\Delta\in I}[\log b_{w(t+\Delta)}+\log <x_{w(t+\Delta)},x_{w(t)}>-\log\sum_{v\in V}\exp[<x_v, x_{w(t)}> + b_v]]


  • why to distinguish the main vocabulary and context vocabulary?

    • if we don’t distinguish, a word as to be predicted and as the context will have the same representation. But the reality isn’t like that. If we use different representation when a word has different roles, it will add the expression ability of the model.

    • symmetric could be a problem. For instance, according to the bayesian rule:

      if $w$ and $w’$ have different probability, the two conditional probabilities also should be different. In other words, these two are not symmetric.

  • how to deal with the exponential item?

    • see the below models

Negative sampling

This is a method of sampling. It is natural to use sampling when the object is exponentially big. One classic sampling method is MCMC.

  • sampling: In the maximum likelihood estimation, each time for one context word, we need to update all the other words vectors, represented by the exponential items. This is very time-consuming. Instead, we only update a few words’ vectors. These few words are selected by sampling.

  • negative: all the words not the one we expected are called negative words.

    • how to know which word is our expected word? the word itself as the context must be a positive word.
  • how to update the word vectors?

  • what is the relationship between Negative sampling and PMI?

Glove: Global vectors for word representation

The key idea of GloVe is:

  1. extract a count matrix from the given dataset.

    • Each row is a word in the vocabulary
    • Each column is a context
    • Each entry $n_{ij}$ is the appearance times of the word i in the context $j$
  2. construct another matrix from the vector representation of vocabularies and contexts.

    • each entry is the inner product of the vocabulary vector and the context vector.
  3. update vectors to make these two matrices as close as possible.

    optional: using weight function to weight items with different counts.

In this way, the vector representation problem is transferred as a matrix factorization problem.

\min_{X,Y}=|M-X^\top Y|_F^2

  • how does GloVe solve the exponential problem?

    • it uses the unnormalized “probability” instead of the normalized ones to avoid the exponential item. Because the exponential item works for normalization.


SGD: Stochastic gradient descent

  • The objective function: $f(x)=\sum_i f_i(x)$

  • Traditional gradient descent way:

    \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=\sum_i \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial x}

  • Stochastic way:

    \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=\frac{\partial f_\gamma}{\partial x}, \gamma\sim\text{Uniform}(1,n)
    Key Idea:

    • derivative
    • only part of objective
    • stochastic each time

Left Questions

  • the relationship of Negative Sampling and PMI?

Author: Fululu
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