CN1 Introduction to Complex Network



  • network perspective on complex systems

  • examples for complex networks


  • what does the complex networks perspective add to the study of complex systems?
    • [Try] a more related and global analysis perspective?
  • What is the difference between the network perspective and the agent-based modeling approach?
    • [Try] network: global, agent-based: local.
    • Wrong. See below.
  • Describe the micro and macro perspective on complex networks. What distinguishes them?
    • [Try] micro: individual, on one node/edge, e.g. the degree of one node; macro: systemic properties, e.g. the number of nodes/edges, more general, doesn’t cover the detail of the individual compoenent in the network. The information’s object distinguish them, whether the information is used to describe a single component.
  • Give two examples for complex systems that can be studied from a network perspective.
    • [Try] academic author citation situation; the spread of virus.
  • Consider an example for a complex system: what is the micro-and the macro level?
    • [Try] author citation network. micro: the citation number of each paper, macro: the distribution of the citation number.
  • Define three macroscopic features of networks and use them to classify the example networks of this lecture
    • [Try] the degree distribution, the density, the direction. The component coefficient.
  • Give two examples for link semantics that result in undirected and directed links.
    • [Try] directed: <a,b>, undirected: (a,b)


  • agent-based modeling
  • complex network basic conceptions
  • network observations
  • Micro/Macro perspective

Agent-based modeling

Agent-based modeling network perspective
Focus Internal dynamics of agents, e.g how agent make decisions Topology
Show Format group, mean field, etc Nodes and links
More Feedback between agent dynamics and interactions dyadic interactions

There is no hard separation between these two approaches.

Complex Systems

  • a large number of subsystems -> can be reduced
  • agents/subsystems strongly interacte with each other.

complex network

an abstract graphical representation of complex system.


the micro-macro link: relate microscopic details of a model to the macroscopic features of the system that it will generate (and vice-versa).


  • explain large-scale patterns of the system based on microscopic behavior.
  • design microscopic behavior to achieve desirable systemic properties.


  • technology systems: e.g. computer network (Internet), power grid infrastructure

  • social systems: friendship, communication, scientific community

    Category Nodes Links Examples
    Technology system engineered artifacts transport lines computer network (internet), power grid infrastructure
    Social system actors social ties friendship, communication, scientific community, hierarchy relationships
    Information system knowledge artifact semantic relations scholarly citations
    biological system biological entities biological interactions gene regulartory network
    economic system actors interactions financial transaction, trade relation

Obervations of network

Perspective Detail
structure regular, random, complex
connectedness closely connected, diameter
heterogeneity degree distribution

Author: Fululu
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