- make statements about the properties of a network if we only know the degree distribution
- properties of generating function
- analyze the friendship paradox
- what is a generating function?
- a function to encode a sequence of integer probability.
- what does the $m$-th power of a generating function $G_0(x)$ generate?
\langle k^m\rangle
$$derivate and multiplied by $x$ and set $x$ as 1.
- How is the second raw moment of a distribution related to its variance?
- variance = second RM - first RM
- How is the first raw moment of a distribution related to its mean?
- equal??? Exactly.
- What does the composition $G_1(G_0(x)$ generate?
- what is the friendship paradox?
- the average friends number of your friends is larger than the average friends number of yours.
- what practical applications of the friendship paradox can you think of?
Generating functions
it provide a general tool for us to make analytical statements about the expected properties of networks generated from a statistical ensemble with arbitrary degree distributions.
- it is maybe the most important methodology in the macroscopic study of complex networks
- it explains why degree distributions are such an important aggregate characteristic of complex networks.
- it is helpful to understand how widely known results about networks are derived
- it will help us to understand the limitation of the ensemble perspective.
- It is a fancy way to encode a sequence of numbers.
Given an integer probability sequence $(p(1), p(2),\cdots, p(n),\cdots)$, where $\sum_i p(i)=1$,
G_0(x)=\sum_{i=1} p(i)x^i, x\in[0,1]
- the probability: the object must be an integer,
- could be 0,
- could be infinite.
- $x$ must in the range from 0 to 1.
The probability
$P(k)$ is the parameter of $x^k$, so we have
- derivate by $k$ times, to eliminate the items with power less than $k$.
- set $x$ as 0, to eliminate the items with power larger than $k$.
- divided by $k!$ to eliminate the power influence on the parameter.
The average degree
G_0’(1)=[ \sum_{k=0}^\infty k P(k) x^{k-1} ]_{x=1}
= \sum_{k=0} kP(k)=\langle k \rangle
- take the first derivative, to pull down the integer.
- set $x$ as 1, to eliminate the $x$’s influence.
$m$-th raw moment of $P(k)$
[(x\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x})^m G_0(x)]{x=1}= \sum{k=0}^\infty k^m P(k)=\langle k^m\rangle
- the $k$ is on the index, so take derivative to pull it as a multiplier.
- multiplied by $x$ to make up the “$k$”. Actually, only the first $k-1$ times matter. The last $x$ is just for the form unified.
- set $x$ as 1, to keep $P(k)$ while eliminating the $x$’s influence.
Suppose $Z=X+Y$,
the distribution of the sum of two random independent variable $X$ and $Y$.
From the multiplication, we have many variants:
A “new” variable $X$
$xG_0(x)$ generates distribution of $P(X=k-1)=P(X+1=k)$.
We can understand by
- we take $G_Y(x)=0+x+0\cdot x^2+\cdots$ . It corresponds to a random variable $Y$, which is always $1$, $P(Y=1)=1$
- So $xG_0(x)=G_X(x)G_Y(x)$, means the sum of one variable follows $P_X(x)$ and the other one, which is always 1.
$\frac{1}{x}G_0(x)$ generates distribution of $P(X=k+1)=P(X-1=k)$
Similarly, it can be understood by add a random variable, which is always be -1. cause $x^{-1}=\frac{1}{x}$
This is a variant of multiplication.
m-th power $[G_0(x)]^m$ generates distribution for the sum of $m$ independent realizations of random variable $X$, given the distribution of $X$.
[G_0(x)]^2=\sum_{i+j=0}^\infty P(i)P(j)x^{i+j}
[G_0(x)]^m=\sum_{k_1+k_2+\cdots + k_m=0}^\infty P(k_1)P(k_2)\cdots P(k_m)x^{k_1+k_2+\cdots k_m}
$G_1(G_0(x))$ generates the sum of a random number $n_i$ of variable $X$
- a random number $n_i$ follows the distribution given by $G_1(x)$
- the variable $X$ follows the distribution given by $G_0(x)$
Example: we have two dice, one with six sides, and the second one with eight sides.
- We throw the 6-one to decide how many times we throws the 8-one.
- we sum the number of the 8-one.
- we get the distribution of this sum.
“0” and “1”
G_0(1)=\sum_{k=0}P(k)\cdot 1 = 1
G_0(0)=\sum_{i=1} p(i)0^i=0
$G_0(x)$ generates the degree distribution.
Friendship paradox
Your friends have, on average, more friends than you.
Mathematically, $\langle k_n\rangle>\langle k\rangle$
$\langle k\rangle$ can be achieved by $G_0(x)$, which generates the given degree distribution. $\langle k\rangle=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N k_i$
$\langle k_n\rangle$ means the average number of node’s neighbors degree. Mathematically, $\langle k_n\rangle=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N\bar{k}_i$
- where $\bar{k}_i$ means how many neighbors on average, does node $i$’s neighbors have. Mathematically, $\bar{k}i=\frac{1}{k_i} \sum{j\in I_i} d_j$
- $I_i$ denotes the set of node $i$’s neighbor.
- where $\bar{k}_i$ means how many neighbors on average, does node $i$’s neighbors have. Mathematically, $\bar{k}i=\frac{1}{k_i} \sum{j\in I_i} d_j$
Trick: if we can know the degree distribution of a node’s neighbor from the original node distribution, we will solve this problem. That is the probability $P_1(X=k)$ means a neighbor of a node has degree $k$.
The degree distribution of a node’s neighbor
We define $P_1(X=k)$ as above. This probability means I randomly select a node’s neighbor, the probability of its degree is $k$.
If a node has degree $k$, it has $k$ times to be others’ neighbor. So, $P_1(X=k)\sim k P_0(k)$.
we normalize by the sum of $P_1(X=k)$ over $k$. It is
\sum_k P_1(k)=\sum kP_0(k)=\langle k\rangle
$$So, we get
P_1(X=k)= \frac{k P_0(k)}{\langle k\rangle}
$$We can define $G_1(x)$ by $P_1(X=k)$, not including the edge linking these two nodes.
G_1(x)=\frac{1}{x}\sum_{i=1}P_1(i)x^i=\frac{G_0’(x)}{\langle k\rangle}
$$The average degree
\langle k_n\rangle = 1+G_1’(1)=1+\frac{G_0’’(1)}{G_0’(1)}
=\sum_{i=1}iP_1(i)=\sum_{i=1}i^2\frac{P_0(i)}{\langle k\rangle}=\frac{\langle k^2\rangle}{\langle k\rangle}
$$The key is the variance of the degree sequence!!!
Also, we can define $P_2(X=k)=P_1(X=k+1)$. The probability of a degree of a node’s neighbor
According to the calculation property of generating function, it is easy to get
- $G_2(x)=xG_1(x)=\frac{xG_0’(x)}{\langle k\rangle}$
Besides, we can define $G_0(G_1(x)$ : the distribution of the number of second-neighbor.
- vaccination strategy: Instead of sampling random individuals, we ask them to name a random friend and then offer this friend to receive a vaccination. This simple strategy has a larger impact than the vaccination of a random sample of the population.
- explore topology. Study from the friends to get upper limit.