CN7 Scale-Free Network and limitations of Ensemble Studies


  • analyzing robustness with generating functions
  • robustness of scale-free network
  • limitations of ensemble-based approach
  • AS-level Internet topology


  • what is the critical failure probability $q_c$ for random networks with arbitrary degree distribution?
    • the failure probability making the average clustering size goes to finite.

q_c=1-(\frac{\langle k^2\rangle}{\langle k\rangle}-1)^{-1}

  • what is $q_c$ for $G(n,p)$ model?


  • what are scale-free network? How can we characterize their degree distribution in the finite and infinite case?
    • the degree distribution follows power-law distribution
    • finite: $P(k)=k^{-\gamma}(\sum_{i=1}^N i^{-\gamma})^{-1}=\frac{k^{-\gamma}}{\sum_{i=1}i^{-\gamma}}$​
    • infinite: $P(k)=\frac{k^{-\gamma}}{\zeta(\gamma)}$
  • what is $q_c$ for a scale-free network with exponent $\gamma$ in the limit of infinite size?
    • $q_c= 1-(\frac{\zeta(\gamma-2)}{\zeta(\gamma-1)}-1)^{-1}$
  • what is the reason for the discrepancy between the predicted and the empirical surviving lcc for random failures in scale-free networks?
    • degree distribution
    • finite nodes
    • different ensemble methods.
  • what is the robust-yet-fragile nature of random scale-free network?
    • critical failure rate approximates to 1.
    • relies heavily on few important nodes.
  • explain three possible fallacies that can occur when applying the ensemble perspective to real systems?
    • degree distribution
    • finite/infinite
    • ensemble methods


  • critical failure probability
  • scale-free network
  • ensemble methods fallacies


Related to the giant connected components: at which point does the removal of nodes destroy the giant connected component of a network system?

Topological robustness: the robustness of a system’s connectedness against the loss of nodes and/or links


  • stochastic node failure model
    • each node has the uniform failure probability $q$
    • failed nodes and all adjacent links are removed.
    • node failures are independent.

Generating functions

We try to model the distribution of the survived connected component size. Then, see the mean size of connected components.


distribution of surviving component size for a randomly chosen node $v$

Think of the original expand form of $H_0$​
H_0(x)= P(K=0)x^0+\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}P(K=i)x^i

  • $P(K=0)$ means the node $v$ fails. The probability is $q$
  • consider the second part. Following our past method, we consider the distribution of the neighbor of node $v$. Here, we define two other generating functions:
    • $H_1$: the distribution of surviving component size of a node $w$ as a neighbor of another node $v$
    • $F_0$: like $G_0$, which describes the degree distribution of a node $v$, describe the degree distribution of a node $v$ with the failure probability $q$.
  • Then, we can rewrite $H_0$ as



\Rightarrow H_0’(1)=1-q+F_0’(1)H_1’(1)


the distribution of surviving component size of a node $w$ as a neighbor of another node $v$

like $H_0$,$H_1$ can also be decomposed by two parts,

  • the node fails, the probability is $q$
  • the node doesn’t fail

like we calculate the surviving component size, there is “self-consistency”.

  • we include $F_1(X)$, also denote “direction”, the “children neighbor” of node $w$​.


\Rightarrow H_1’(1) =1-q+F_1’(1)H_1’(1)

\Rightarrow H_1’(1) =\frac{1-q}{1-F_1’(1)}


**Part of ** the distribution of a node degree, with the node failure probability $q$ what we know is a fixed degree distribution, that is $G_0$. So, we want to know $F_0$ from $G_0$ and $q$​

The probability that a node $v$​ has degree $k$​ and survives is generated by
F_0(x)=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}(1-q)P(k)x^k = (1-q)G_0(x)
Note that $F_0(1)=1-q$, not 1. It is due to we only consider the surviving part of the network, not the whole part.


similarly, $F_1(x)=(1-q)G_1(x)$

$\langle s\rangle$​

\langle s\rangle=H_0’(1) = 1-q+1\cdot F_0’(1)H_1’(1)

=1-q+\frac{(1-q)F_0’(1)}{1-F_1’(1)}=( 1+\frac{(1-q)G_0’(1)}{1-(1-q)G_1’(1)})(1-q)

Critical failure rate

When the denominator is closed to 0, is the key point.

That is
G_1’(1)\to \frac{1}{1-q}
G_1’(1)=\frac{\langle k^2\rangle}{\langle k\rangle}-1
we have
q_c =1-(\frac{\langle k^2\rangle}{\langle k\rangle}-1)^{-1}


Since we use whether the average component size is finite to judge the robustness, it hides the assumption that $n\to\infty$

This formula gives an upper bound of the failure rate.

E-R Model

In ER model, we have
\frac{\langle k^2\rangle}{\langle k\rangle}=\frac{np+n^2p^2}{np}= 1+np
q_c= 1-\frac{1}{np}
According to the Molloy-Reed criterion, when $np>1$​, we have a giant connected component. That is $\langle k\rangle>1$

$K$-regular network

In K-regular model all nodes have the same degree $k$​.
\frac{\langle k^2\rangle}{\langle k\rangle}=\frac{k^2}{k}=k
q_c= 1-\frac{1}{k-1}
According to the Molloy-Reed criterion, we need $\langle k\rangle=k>2$

It is different from the E-R, due to the variance of nodes. It tells us the variance makes networks more robust!!

Broad distribution network

Explanations are below:
\frac{\langle k^2\rangle}{\langle k\rangle}=\frac{\zeta(\gamma-2)}{\zeta(\gamma-1)}

  • when $\gamma\in(2,3)$, the denominator is finite and the nominator is infinite.

  • so, $q_c=1-(\frac{\zeta(\gamma-2)}{\zeta(\gamma-1)}-1)^{-1}$

  • when $\gamma\in(2,3),q_c\to\infty$.

    This shows the scale-free network is super-robust against random failures.

    • In the limit of infinite network size, the scale-free network cannot be destroyed by any random failure probability.

Scale-free network


  • power law distribution
    • scale invariance: $P(\alpha k)\propto P(k)$

    • $$
      P(k)=k^{-\gamma}(\sum_{i=1}^N i^{-\gamma})^{-1}=\frac{k^{-\gamma}}{\sum_{i=1}i^{-\gamma}}

    • this is one kind of broad distribution. Other broad distribution examples: Zipf distribution.

    • $\gamma$ decides how quickly the distribution drops. The lager the quicker.


We use Zeta distribution to imitate power-law distribution degrees with $n\to\infty$

The formula of Zeta distribution:

P(k) =\frac{k^{-\gamma}}{\zeta(\gamma)}

\zeta(\gamma) =\sum_{i=1}i^{-\gamma}
It is valid for $\gamma>1$

  • $\zeta(\gamma\to 1) %3D \to\infty$

  • $\langle k^m\rangle=\frac{\zeta(\gamma-m)}{\zeta(\gamma)}$



  • for $\gamma\in(2,3)$, $\gamma-2\in(0,1)$
    • the smaller $\gamma$​, the larger the absolute value of $\log(\gamma)$ will be, the smaller D (the diameter) will be


  • networks where the degree distribution has an infinite second raw moment have a very small diameter.
  • the more heterogeneous the degree distribution (smaller $\gamma$) is, the smaller diameter will be.


Super robust. See above.

Different from ER model, the limitation of finite size matters a lot here.


Degree-dependent failure ratio

the nodes with high degree are more likely to be attacked, or to fail.

it could be true, considering

  • targeted attack
  • load-dependent failures of nodes

The random scale-free networks are

  • robust, against random failures
  • fragile, against degree-dependent failure.

Limitations of ensemble studies

  • analytical form of degree distribution is foundation for theoretical claims.
    • e.g. log-normal distribution looks quite similar to zeta distribution.
  • finite or infinite.
    • the theoretical assumption is infinite
    • the real case is finite, even large.
  • microstates vs real system
    • different choice of ensemble methods, based on different microstates of the given systems. may generate quite different statistical results.
      • our statistical findings are based on our assumptions.

Author: Fululu
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