CN13 Growing network


  • growth models for complex network
  • feedback in network growth: preferential attachment


  • what is a master equation? How can it be used to analyze network growth models?
  • consider the uniform attachment model and write down the master equation for $P(k,s,t)$ and $P(k,t)$.
  • consider the preferential attachment model and write down the differential equation for the evolution of $k_i(t)$
  • what are the final degree distributions for a growth model with uniform attachment and preferential attachment?
    • uniform: normal distribution
    • preferential: zipf distribution?
  • in the preferential attachment model, how does the number of links m added in each step affect the final degree distribution?
    • affect the peak?
  • explain why the random walk model gives rise to preferential attachment
  • explalin why the copying model gives rise to preferential attachment.


  • attachment strategy

    • preferential attachment
  • master equation

  • time-dependent degree distribution

Attachment rules

Uniform attachment

new nodes form links to existing nodes chosen uniformly at random

degree distribution

exponentially shaped

e.g. much like those generated by Erdos-Renyi random graph models

Preferential attachment

new nodes preferentially form links to highly connected nodes.

degree distribution

scale-free degree distribution, log-log plot a line

Analytical Approaches

Two main tools:

  • master equation: for discrete perspective
  • continuum limit approximation: for continuous perspective

Master equation/Rate equation


the first-order differential equations that describe the evolution of probabilities over time.

Case: uniform attachment


  • node: each time, add a new node into the system. That is at time $t$, there are $t$ nodes.
  • link: each newly added node uniformly chooses a random existing node. $p=\frac{1}{t}$​
    • observation: for an existing node, its probability to receive a new link decays over time.


The probability of a node added at time s has the degree $k$ at time $t+1$​
p(k,s,t+1)=\frac{1}{t}p(k-1,s, t)+(1-\frac{1}{t})p(k,s,t)

  • the first item: the node has degree $k-1$ at time $t$

  • the second: the node has degree $k$ at time $t$.

the initial condition

  • $k=0$, the value is 1
  • otherwise, the value is 0.

the boundary condition

Degree distribution, time-dependent


Change over time


limiting value


  • $p(0)=0$
  • $\delta_{1,1}=1$
  • exponentially-shape degree distribution, not like ER networks.
    • because there is a dependence of the average degree on the birth time of a node.

Mean degree

\langle k\rangle = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\frac{k}{2^k}=2

how to calculate?
|x|<1: f(x)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}x^n=\frac{x}{1-x},

\Rightarrow xf’(x)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}nx^n=\frac{x}{(1-x)^2}

Case: Preferential attachment


  • node: each time, add a new node into the system. That is at time $t_i$, there are $i$ nodes.

  • link: each newly added node forms m links to existing nodes and the probability to each exsiting node is Positive feedback


For each existing node $x_i$, the expectation of its degree increase at time t is m\times the probability of one link to it.

Generating to continuous time, we have

  • initial condition: $k_i(t_i)=m$

We get

  • node degrees grow as square root of time
  • node degrees are age-dependent.

Degree distribution

After a series of complex calculation,
p(k)=2m^2k^{-3}\propto k^{-3}

  • degree distribution follows a power-law distribution with parameter 3.

Matthew effect

A dynamics by which “the rich get richer”, first-mover advantage. i.e. the degree of those nodes that already have the most links will grow fastest.

Preferential attachment

Simple attachment model


  • global knowledge. The newly added node needs to have the global knowledge.
  • Preferential attachment here is an observation not mechanism.

Copying model

This is a local mechanism model.

A newly introduced node randomly selects a target node and links to it, as well as to all/some ancestor nodes of the target node.

Random walk model

new nodes start random walk at random node and form a link every l steps

  • produce different clusters depending on the distance l: small l will lead to higher clustering

Heterogenous node fitness


Relation with Scale-free network

Preferential attachment is a sufficient condition of scale-free network, not a necessary condition.

Not all scale-free network are generated by preferential attachment.

Author: Fululu
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