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本周总结: 初步了解了higher-order graph的一些模型,重点了解用simplicial complex进行建模的理论基础和实际案例。 主要入手的几篇论文: simplicial neural network:这篇文章在sim
Background Knowledge of Paper Willnump Background Knowledge of Paper Willnump
Paper: Willump Model serving system(MLaaS)机器学习作为一种服务。zhihu 应用实例 Amazon ML平台: 完全自动化 Amazon Sagemaker平台: 内附对数据科学家的有用tips哦!
Background Knowledge of Paper Privacy-preserving bandits Background Knowledge of Paper Privacy-preserving bandits
Paper: Privacy-preserving bandits 安全计算Secure computationzhihu General idea: there is a function on all of data as the un
SysML提前看 SysML提前看
机器学习本质上是一系列的数值计算。当需要计算的数据量很大或者计算模型很大时,就需要设计一个合适的平台来进行这种计算。机器学习系统就是针对此方面的研究,即开发一类特殊的系统,用于支持和部署机器学习模型。 在本篇提前看中,我们从不同的角度选择三
PAI7 Reinforcement Learning PAI7 Reinforcement Learning
The data is assumed to be drawn from some distributions. In reinforcement learning, we learn by interacting with environ
PAI4 Reasoning over Time PAI4 Reasoning over Time
Before, we talk about static models, which means variables don’t change possible values. For temporal models, in which v
PAI5 Probabilistic Planning PAI5 Probabilistic Planning
How do we use inference we keep tracking over time in order to act? Markov Decision ProcessAn essential model studied i
PAI6 Learning PAI6 Learning
So far, we talk about how to use a given model to do some tasks, e.g. inference, planning. But where do these models com
PAI3 Bayesian Network 2Inference PAI3 Bayesian Network 2Inference
InferenceTypical queries What are these typical queries for? what kinds of typical queries? conditional/marginal query:
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