PAI2 Bayesian Network 1Basic


  • why to say the conditional independence is weaker than independence?
  • what are the properties of conditional independence? How to compare them with independence?
  • what is the definition of bayesian network?
  • what is the relation between conditional independence and bayesian network?
  • what are the advantages of bayesian network?


conditional independence, naive bayes models, bayesian networks

Conditional independence

Using independence in formula will greatly decrease the number of parameters from $O(2^n)$ to some smaller numbers, even $O(n)$


$A$ and $B$, two random variables, are conditional independence given $C$ iff for all $a,b,c$
\text{Pr}(A=a\cap B=b|C=c) = \text{Pr}(A=a|C=c)\text{Pr}(B=b|C=c)$​

  • $\Pr[Y=y|Z=z]>0, \Pr[X=x|Y=y,Z=z]=\Pr[X=x|Z=z]$

It is denoted as$(X\perp Y) | Z$


Claim: all of the following properties should have non-conditional version

  • symmetry: $(X\perp Y)|Z \Leftrightarrow (Y\perp X)|Z$

    • The proof is trivial
  • decomposition: Given Z, X is conditional independent from Y and W. We can conclude that X is conditional independent from Y and X is conditional independent from W specifically.
    (X\perp (Y,W))|Z \Leftrightarrow (X\perp Y)|Z \wedge (X\perp W)|Z

    • Proof left to right: Since Y and W are symmetric, I only prove for $Y$ in discrete version. The continuous version is similar
      (X\perp (Y,W))|Z\Leftrightarrow P((XYW)|Z)=P((X(YW))|Z)

      = P(X|Z)P((YW)|Z)

      \Rightarrow P((XY)|Z) = \sum_W P((XYW)|Z) = \sum_W P(X|Z)P((YW)|Z)

      = P(X|Z)\sum_W P((YW)|Z) = P(X|Z)P(Y|Z)

      \Rightarrow (X\perp Y)|Z

    • Proof right to left: I don’t know how to prove it. ?????maybe it is not true??

  • Contraction: $((X\perp Y)|Z)\wedge (X\perp W|(YZ))\Rightarrow (X\perp (WY))|Z$

  • weak union: $(X\perp (YW))|Z\Rightarrow (X\perp Y)|(ZW)$

  • intersection:$(X\perp Y)|(WZ)\wedge (X\perp W)|(YZ)\Rightarrow (X\perp(YW))|Z$


Example: In a naive bayes model, where: $Y$​ is the cause variable, $X_1,\cdots,X_n$​ are the effects variables. A naive Bayes model example

We can give a conditional independence assertion:

X_A\perp X_{\bar{A}}|Y,\forall A\subset{1,2,\cdots,n}
Where$ A={i_1,\cdots,i_k}\subset{1,2,\cdots,n}$ and $\bar{A}={1,2,\cdots,n}$ $A, X_A={X_{i_1},\cdots,X_{i_k}}$

In general, conditional independence can be used to transfer joint parameterization into conditional parameterization. In this way, we can greatly reduce the number of parameters. Formally,


The number of parameters change: $\prod_{i=1}^n |X_i|\to \sum_{i=1}^n |X_i|^{\prod_{X_j\in parents(X_i)}|X_j|}$

Bayesian Network

  • Bayesian: uses the Bayes’ theorem, which specifies an event’s probability given some conditions.
  • network: represented by directed graph, as a network.


A Bayesian Network is a directed acyclic graph in which:

  • node:
    • each node corresponds to a random variable
    • numeric parameters: each node has a conditional probability distribution $P(x|\text{parents}(x))$
  • links:
    • a link from node $X$ to node $Y, X$ is said to be a parent of $Y$.
    • intuitive meaning: $X$ is a parent of $Y\to X$ has a direct impact on $Y$. Causes should be parents of effects.
  • No directed cycles. It is a DAG


Two ways to understand the semantics of Bayesian Network:

  1. as a representation of the joint probability distribution
  2. as an encoding of a collection of conditional independence statements.


X\perp Z|Y,\neg X\perp Z

  • $x\leftarrow y\to z$: common cause
  • $x\leftarrow y\leftarrow z$: indirect evidential effect
  • $x\to y\to z$: indirect causal effect

\neg X\perp Z|Y, X\perp Z

  • $x\to y \leftarrow z$: common effect


Build algorithm

  1. Nodes:

    1. determine the set of variables that are required to model the domain.
    2. Order them ${X_1,\cdots,X_n}$. Any order will work. But the resulting network will be more compact if the variables are ordered such that causes precede effects.
  2. Links: For each $X_i$ do:

    1. find the minimal parent subset A from ${1,2,\cdots,i-1}$​, s.t. $P(X_i|{1,2,\cdots,i-1})=P(X_i|A)$​
      • in some way, minimal means direct influence. For example, some variable in ${1,2,\cdots,i-1}$ may have indirect influence on $X_i$, through a variable $X_k$. Then, if we include $X_k$, they are excluded.
    2. for each parent $X_k$ in A, insert a link from $X_k$ to $X_i$
    3. write down the conditional probability table.

Identification of conditional independence

Not independent/dependent can transmit conditions. That means if we know some condition, all variables not independent of it are known or partially known.

Given a Bayesian network, how to find the independence relationship between variables from the network structures?

An important theorem says:

\text{d-sep}(X;Y|Z)\Rightarrow (X\perp Y)|Z
converse does not hold in general, but for “almost” all distributions.


This term describes a structural relation between variables in a given network. We can connect this structural relation with independence relation.

Given observed variables $O$​, any variables Xi and Xj for which there is no active trail are called d-separated by $O$​. Written as $\text{d-sep}(X_i;X_j|O) $​

  • active trail: an undirected path in BN structure G is called active trail for observed variables $O\subset{X_1,X_2,\cdots,X_n}$​, if for every consecutive triple of vars $X,Y,Z$ on the path

    • $X\to Y\to Z,Y\notin O$
    • $ X\gets Y\gets Z,Y\notin O$
    • $ X\gets Y\to Z,Y\notin O$
    • $X\to Y\gets Z$, and $Y$ or any of $Y$’s descendants is observed.
  • linear time algorithm for d-separation: find all nodes active trail reachable from $X$

    1. mark $Z$ and its ancestors

    2. do breath-first search starting from $X$; stop if path is blocked

Author: Fululu
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