Weekly summary



Graph paper: 50%.

  • MoNet
  • GraphSage
  • GAT

Higher-order graph: 45.4%.

  • Weisfeiler and Leman Go Neural: Higher-order Graph Neural Networks
  • 🌟 Simultaneous group and individual centralities. Phillip Bonacich. Soc. Netw., 13(2):155–168, 1991.
  • Random walks and diffusion on networks, Physics Reports, N. Masuda, M. A. Porter, and R. Lambiotte, 2017.
  • 🌟High-ordered random walks and generalized Laplacians on hypergraphs. Linyuan Lu and Xing Peng. In International Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, pages 14–25. Springer, 2011.
  • http://www.geometry.caltech.edu/pubs/dGDT16.pdf
  • Discrete Connection and Covariant Derivative for Vector Field Analysis and Design (10.21)

Optimization: 100%

Misc: 0%.

Video: 66.7%.

  • Game of thrones: Season 6
    • Episode 6
    • Episode 7

Game: 90%.

  • 隐形的守护者第十章


  • 为什么有些任务全部完成了,有些任务几乎没有完成呢?我觉得原因可以分为以下几点:
    • 任务的可执行度上。比如:higher-order graph的论文阅读。我这里虽然列出了list,但是,list上的item之间缺乏联系。 我在读完一篇论文之后,可能心里存在很多疑问,此时与我的疑问最相关的论文并没有出现在list上,导致我不想沿着list去读。在读完list上的一篇论文之后,我不知道为什么要去读下一篇,list失去了引导力,致使我无法完成。与之相比,optimization的任务内部非常的连贯,我愿意按照它执行。
  • Video这种娱乐性质的任务为什么没有完成?
    • 习惯没有养成。我坚持的是routine指导行为的方法,绝不要忽视习惯的力量。而我现在的routine并没有建立起来,比如健身时间,休息时间,娱乐时间,都是散乱的。不过,鉴于这周小伙伴住在我房间里的情况,我不能太过任性,一味坚持自己的时间表,还需要适当考虑到她的生活习惯。习惯留待她离开之后再培养叭。


本周在论文上的收获不大,在课程mathematical optimization收获更多些,坚持按计划学习了课程。此外,重新布置起自己的blog,在对blog进行修整之后,还要经营我和元元的blog哦~


Mathematical Optimization



  • degenerate/degeneracy: 引入这个概念是为了干什么?



Graph models



Mathematical optimization


  • 10.5 (10.26)
  • 10.8 (10.27)
  • 10.12 (10.29)
  • 10.15 (10.30) (last 7 minutes)


  • 18-37 (10.28)

Graph Papers


  • 了解图领域的主要任务
  • 了解现有模型没有解决的问题
  • 未来可能的发展方向是什么
  • 如何把经典理论和现代nn的方法结合起来呢?
  • ICLR2021专栏:
    • Graph-graph similarity network
    • how to find your friendly neighborhood: graph attention design with self-supervision
    • graph neural network pooling by edge cut
  • NIPS专栏:
    • (10.26) 🌟 Random walks on hypergraphs. Timoteo Carletti, Federico Battiston, Giulia Cencetti, and Duccio Fanelli. Phys. Rev. E, 101(2):022308, 2020. 及其周边
    • Path Integral Based convolution and pooling for graph neural networks
    • Convergence and Stability of GCN on Large Random graphs
    • Erdos Goes Neural: an Unsupervised Learning Framework for Combinatorial Optimization on Graphs
    • Learning Graph Structure With A Finite-State Automaton Layer
  • KDD2020: GraphSTONE
  • 综述:
    • 📖 The Emerging Field of Signal Processing on Graphs
    • 📖 Discrete Signal Processing on Graphs
    • 📖 Introducing Hypergraph Signal Processing:Theoretical Foundation and Practical Applications
    • 📖 Centralities in simplicial complexes. applications to protein interaction networks.Ernesto Estrada and Grant J Ross. 2018.
    • 📖 Centrality measures in simplicial complexes, Daniel Herna ́ndez Serrano and Dar ́ıo Sa ́nchez G ́omez. 2019


  • Guitar: 七月上
  • 毛笔字一张
  • Deutsch lernen 看三集
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • 权力的游戏:
    • 第六季第五集
    • 第六集
    • 第七集
  • 做一个南瓜发糕
  • 隐形的守护者玩完
  • 开始玩 我的世界

Author: Fululu
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Fululu !